Light Purple Phalaenopsis Orchid 5" - Double Stem


Light Purple Phalaenopsis Orchid 5" - Double Stem

from $65.00

◦ The Phalaenopsis family also includes Doritaenopsis (Dtps.), Devereuxara (Dvra) and Doritis.

◦ Temperature: Phalaenopsis enjoy a fairly warm climate. The ideal night temperature being 64 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit (64° during spiking months Sept. - Dec., 68° Jan. - Aug.) and daytime temperature 75 degrees Fahrenheit and over. Since this temperature range is similar to that of many homes, it makes an ideal house plant.

◦ Light & Shade: Light requirements for Phalaenopsis are fairly easy to attain, (1000-1200 foot candles), seems to be the ideal intensity. If grown in a windowsill, north exposure proves to be best, otherwise, east or west with the plant being placed further from the light source.

◦ Watering: It is important to water your Phalaenopsis early in the morning. This insures complete water evaporation on the foliage as well as the crown by nightfall. Do not allow the root system to be dry at anytime. Water the plant as is approaches dryness. Under most growing conditions, watering is done at 5-10 day intervals.

◦ Specific Watering Information for Phalaenopsis Grown in Sphagnum Moss:
◦ Water early in the morning only. Keep water away from the center or crown of the plant.
◦ Water when surface turns to a lighter color and or pot is light in weight to pickup. Normal watering intervals are 10-21 days in sphagnum moss.
◦ Important! When watering plants that were received in Baskets, Ceramic Pots, or Gift Foil, remove the potted plant from these decorative containers, drench thoroughly, let drain completely, then place back in container or for your convenience, leave plants in container. Put 3-4 ice cubes or a small styrofoam cup of water in each plant when dry.
◦ Feeding: Phalaenopsis are known for their fast and continual growth. For this reason, it is important that they are fed on a regular basis. We recommend Jack's Classic Orchid Liquid 7-5-6

◦ Humidity: Phalaenopsis are of monopodial growth without any pseudobulbs to help store moisture. For this reason, it is important to provide good humidity, 50-70 percent is considered ideal. However, if plant is kept well watered, it will adapt to a lower humidity.

◦ Flowering: If your Phalaenopsis is of substantial size (6"-8" pot), it is possible to flower it 2 times a year. After it has flowered, the first time, cut the stem approximately half way back just above the nearest node. From this node a new flower stem may emerge.

◦ Potting: Because the Phalaenopsis is watered frequently, the potting material is usually ready for replacement once every year. Spring is generally considered the best time for transplanting.

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